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Many – but not all – of these texts are behind paywalls. If you send me an email I can send you digital copies.

doctoral thesis

Sonified Freaks and Sounding Prostheses: sonic body representation in performance art (University of Sussex, 2012)


Deserted Devices and Wasted Fences: Everyday technologies in extreme circumstances. Bridport: Triarchy Press, forthcoming, 2021

peer-reviewed journal articles

Between smart technologies and Soviet guns: imaging the new heroic figure in postdigital warfare, International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 15 (2), 2019.

'Abject Digital Performance: Engaging the politics of electronic waste', Leonardo, 50:2, 2017 [ISSN 0024-094X]

'Teaching Performance Art in Violent Times', Ice Hole, Issue 4, 2016

'Sonic Prosthetics: exploring posthuman personal space in digital performance', International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2011) [ISSN 1479-4713]

'Eerie Prostheses and Kinky Strap-Ons: Mori's uncanny valley and ableist ideology', Body, Space and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2014)

'Sounds like Superman? On the Representation of Bodies in Biosignal Performance', Interference: A Journal of Audio Culture, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2011) [ISSN 2009-3578]

'Digital Parts / Modular Doubles: challenging the "digital double" ', Body, Space and Technology Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2011) [ISSN 1470-9120]

'FEAR, IMPOTENCE and REMOTE MASTURBATION: Repression of Male Sexuality in Stelarc's Rhetoric and Performance Practice', Media-N Journal of the New Media Caucus, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2010) [ISSN 1942-017X]

'Heightened Awareness through Simulated Movement in Multimedia Performance', Body, Space and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2010) [ISSN 1470-9120]

edited volume

Daniël Ploeger, Nicholas Sagan (eds.), Post-Human // Future-Tense (Chicago IL: PH//FT Press / Proform Technologies, 2010) [ISBN 978-0-557-90584-3]

book chapters

Imagining the Seamless Cyborg: Computer System Sounds as Embodying Technologies', in Grimshaw, M., Walther-Hansen, M, and Knakkergaard, M., The Oxford Handbook of Sound & Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)

‘Making and Breaking: Electronic waste recycling as methodology’, in Susan Broadhurst and Sara           Price, eds., Digital Bodies: Methodological innovation in digital arts and social sciences (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2017)

‘Thinking Critical/Looking Sexy: A naked male body in performance’ in George Rodosthenous, ed., Theatre as Voyeurism: the pleasure(s) of watching (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015)


'Being Human as Evolving Memory: art and posthumanism in the present tense' in D. Ploeger, N. Sagan (eds.), Post-Human // Future Tense (Chicago IL: PH//FT Press / Proform Technologies, 2010)


reviews and bibliographies

'Drama and Performance Studies', The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, Vol. 20, No.1 (2012) [ISSN 1077-4254] (with David Tucker)

'Niall Richardson, Transgressive Bodies: Representation in Film and Popular Culture', Irish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 20, No.1 (2012) [ISSN 0791-6035]

other texts / lectures

Perspectives – The Sounds of Violence: Sonic Ideology and Hi -Tech Warfare. Body, Space & Technology, 18:1, 2019.

Perspectives – Hi-Tech Everything: A Fragmented Report from the Heart of Techno-Consumerism’, Body, Space & Technology, 17:1, 2018.

'Thinking Critical / Looking Sexy' (lecture,  January 2013)

'James Bond and the signs of time' (December 2012)

​​'"So is he a magician?" - the beauty of Yann Marussich's threatened body' (March 2013)


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